S/N Library Training Series Audience Type
Title : Avoiding Plagiarism (Understanding) – Introduction to Plagiarism
Description : Spend 1 hour with library and learn what is plagiarism and its consequences.
Objective : To provide an overview of plagiarism in SUTD.
Students Core Skills Programme
Title : Avoiding Plagiarism (Managing) - Citations and Referencing Clinic Sessions
Description : Spend 1 hour with library and learn how to cite and reference for your assignments. Bring along your assignments and get immediate consultations.
Objective : To correct or enhance the assignment papers to avoid plagiarism.
Students Core Skills Programme
Title : Avoiding Plagiarism (Tool) - EndNote Workshops
Description : Are you new to EndNote? Spend 1 hour with library to speed up learning how to use and manage EndNote. EndNote is a reference management campus-wide licenced software package subscribed for SUTD community. It is used to manage bibliographies and references when writing essays and articles. An useful tool for writers.
Objective : Learn the essential features quickly to kick start managing your references.
Students Core Skills Programme
Title : Powerful Literature Review & Research Skills
Description : This is a special programme for in-class training (min 2 hrs).
Objective : To provide an overview on how to write a literature review and to provide insights on how to conduct a better research using authoritative impactful resources.
Postgraduates Core Skills Programme
Title : Fake News
Description : With the explosion of information, can you identify what is fake and what real? Spend 1 hour with the library to kick start the awareness.
Objective : To have a quick overview of what is fake news and how to identify and avoid them in your assignments or research.
Students Core Skills Programme
Title : Effective Information Searching Skills
Description : Spend 1 hour with library to accelerated your discovery instead of spending hours to find authoritative content.
Objective : To develop effective search strategies to retrieve quality relevant content subscribed by the library. This is useful for enhancing your assignments and research.
Students Information & Research Literacy Programme
Title : Managing Academic Writing with EndNote
Description : Are you new to EndNote? Spend 1 hour with library to speed up learning how to use and manage EndNote. EndNote is a reference management campus-wide licenced software package subscribed for SUTD community. It is used to manage bibliographies and references when writing essays and articles. An useful tool for writers.
Objective : To learn basic and advance features of EndNote to manage one’s references seamlessly for academic writing and collaborations.




Information & Research Literacy Programme
Title : Authoritative Sources - Specialised Databases\Resources
Description : This is a special session for in-class training (min 20-30mins).
Objective : To provide customised introduction to features of special resources or materials that are useful for the course.
Students Information & Research Literacy Programme
Title : Maximise the Visibility & Impact of Your Research
Description : Discover the research impact of your research papers and the techniques used to increase your research visibility.
Objective : Learn to measure your research impact using different tools and take away tips on how to increase your research visibility.





Information & Research Literacy Programme
Title : Effective discovery via Library Search Platform
Description : Make the system work for you. Learn how to exploit the system to manage your research needs with ease.
Objective : To highlight the essential features of SUTD Library Search Platform.
All Information & Digital Literacy Programme

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